Modelling the deposition of airborne radionuclides into the urban environment first report of the VAMP Urban Working Group part of the IAEA/CEC Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Validation of Environmental Model Predictions (VAMP)

Modelling the deposition of airborne radionuclides into the urban environment first report of the VAMP Urban Working Group part of the IAEA/CEC Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Validation of Environmental Model Predictions (VAMP) - Vienna IAEA 1994 - [5], 53 s. tbl., graf. 30 cm. - IAEA TECDOC 760 .

Kaynakça var.

Cesium 134.
Cesium 137.
Chernobylsk-4 reactor--Compiled data--Deposition.

333.7 MOD 1994

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