Energy for sustainable development and science for the future of the islamic world and humanity proceedings of the 13th IAS science conference on energy for sustainable development and science for the future of the ıslamic world and humanity, organised in Kuching/Sarawak, Malaysia, 29 September-2 October 2003

Energy for sustainable development and science for the future of the islamic world and humanity proceedings of the 13th IAS science conference on energy for sustainable development and science for the future of the ıslamic world and humanity, organised in Kuching/Sarawak, Malaysia, 29 September-2 October 2003 edited by Mehmet Ergin and Moneef R. Zou'bi - Amman Islamic World Academy of Science 2006 - viii, 467 s. res., şkl., hrt. 25 cm.

Kaynakça var.


Nuclear energy--Islamic countries.--Congresses
Science--Islamic countries.--Congresses
Sustainable development--Islamic countries.--Congresses

333.79 IAS 2006

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