Safety assessment of design solutions and proposed improvements to Smolensk Unit 3 RBMK nuclear power plant: report of the IAEA extrabudgetary programme on the safety of RBMK nuclear power plants.
Safety assessment of design solutions and proposed improvements to Smolensk Unit 3 RBMK nuclear power plant: report of the IAEA extrabudgetary programme on the safety of RBMK nuclear power plants.
- Vienna Austria IAEA 1993
- 284 p. ill. 30 cm.
- International Atomic Energy Agency TECDOC 722 .
Nuclear power plants.
Nuclear reactors--Safety measures.
RESI (Information retrieval system)
621.483 SAF 1993
Nuclear power plants.
Nuclear reactors--Safety measures.
RESI (Information retrieval system)
621.483 SAF 1993