Zinc fertilization of flooded rice : summary of the results of the five-year FAO/IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme on Isotope-Aided Micronutrient Studies in Rice Production with special reference to zinc deficiency carried out during the years 1974 to 1979.

Zinc fertilization of flooded rice : summary of the results of the five-year FAO/IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme on Isotope-Aided Micronutrient Studies in Rice Production with special reference to zinc deficiency carried out during the years 1974 to 1979. - Vienna Austria IAEA 1981 - 80 p. 30 cm. - IAEA TECDOC 242 International Atomic Energy Agency TECDOC 242 .


Plants, effect of zinc on
Zinc fertilizers--Physiological effect.
Zinc in agriculture

631.8 ZIN 1981

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