Modelling the deposition of airborne radionuclides into the urban environment first report of the VAMP Urban Working Group : part of the IAEA/CEC Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Validation of Environmental Model Predictions (VAMP)

Modelling the deposition of airborne radionuclides into the urban environment first report of the VAMP Urban Working Group : part of the IAEA/CEC Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Validation of Environmental Model Predictions (VAMP) [prep.] International Atomic Energy Agency. - Vienna IAEA 1994 - [5], 53 p. 30 cm. - IAEA TECDOC 760 .

Cesium 134
Cesium 137
Chernobylsk-4 reactor
Compiled data

333.7 MOD 1994

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