UO2 fuel behaviour and HTR fuel rekative burn-up mcalculations by the gamma spectrometry KFA-ZBB-IB 3/81
A.Cabar Baran
UO2 fuel behaviour and HTR fuel rekative burn-up mcalculations by the gamma spectrometry KFA-ZBB-IB 3/81 - Ankara Kernforschungsanlage jülich gmbh 1981 - 64 p. 30 cm. - Kernforschungsanlage jülich gmbh. .
Including bibliyographic reference.
Nuclaer fuel--Calculation
621.4831 BAR 1981
UO2 fuel behaviour and HTR fuel rekative burn-up mcalculations by the gamma spectrometry KFA-ZBB-IB 3/81 - Ankara Kernforschungsanlage jülich gmbh 1981 - 64 p. 30 cm. - Kernforschungsanlage jülich gmbh. .
Including bibliyographic reference.
Nuclaer fuel--Calculation
621.4831 BAR 1981