Influence of dose and its distribution in time on dose-response relationships for low-let radiations National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements - Washington NCRP 1980 - 1 c. tbl., graf. 20 cm. - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements NCRP report no. 64, 65, 67 .

Kaynakça var.

no. 64 : Influence of dose and its distribution in time on dose-response relationships for low-let radiations no. 65 : Management of persons accidentally contaminated with radionuclides no. 67 : Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields : properties, quantities and units, biophysical interaction, and measurements


Electromagnetic fields.
Electromagnetism--Physiological effect.
Radioactive substances--Toxicology.
Ionizing radiation--Dose-response relationship.
Ionizing radiation--Physiological effect.

591.1915 INF 1980