LBLOCA analysis in a Westinghouse PWR 3-loop design using RELAP5/MOD3 prepared by J.I. Sâanchez, C.A. Lage, T. Nâuänuz. - Washington DC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission [2001] - ix, 61 p. ill. - International agreement report NUREG/IA-0195 .

"Empresa Nacional del Uranio S.A." "January 2001." "Prepared as part of the Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange under the International Code Application and Maintenance Program (CAMP)." Paper version no longer available for sale by the Supt. of Docs. Shipping list no.: 2001-0224-M.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 61).


Pressurized water reactors--Loss of coolant

621.4834 LBL 2001

1051-H-41 (MF)

Y 3.N 88:53/0195