Limits for intakes of radionuclides by workers : a report of Committee 2 of the International Commission on Radiological Protection. - New York Oxford Published for the International Commission on Radiological Protection by Pergamon Press 1990 - [v. 2, 3, 4(3/4) 5, 6(2/3) 7, 8(1-3, 4)] ill. 25 cm. - International Comission On Radiological Protection publications 30 .

"Adopted by the Commission in July 1978."

Part 1, supplement to part 1, part 2, supplement to part 2, part 3 including addendum to parts 1 and 2, supplement A to Part 3, supplement B to Part 3 including addendum to the supplements of parts 1 and 2, index


Radiation workers--Dosage.
Radiation--Environmental aspects
Radiation--Health and hygiene
Radioisotopes--Safety measures

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