Organic liquids as reactor coolants and moderators. Report of a panel on the Use of Organic Liquids as Reactor Coolants and Moderators held in Vienna, 9-13 May, 1966. [prep.] International Atomic Energy Agency. - Vienna IAEA 1967 - [2], 148 p. ill. tables 24 cm. - IAEA Technical reports series, no. 70 International Atomic Energy Agency Technical reports series, no. 70 .

"STI/DOC/10/70." Convened by the International Atomic Energy Agency. English or French. Titles and abstracts of technical papers presented in English and French, or Spanish.

Includes bibliographies.

Organic cooled reactors.
Organic moderated reactors.

HD9698.A1 / I6 no.70

621.48336 ORG 1967