Aramanızda 38 sonuç bulundu.

Joint IAEA/NEA workshop proceedings on regulatory review of plant safety analysis Bratislava, Slovak Republic July 6-10, 1998

Yazar: Joint IAEA/NEA workshop proceedings on regulatory review of plant safety analysis Bratislava, Slovak Republic July 6-10, 1998 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(99)8 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(99)8 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 1999Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 JOI 1999.

OECD/CSNI specialist meeting on nuclear aerosols in reactor safety summary and conclusion

Yazar: Specialist meeting on nuclear aerosols in reactor safety Cologne, Germany 15-18 June, 1998 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(99)5 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(99)5 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 1999Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 SPE 1999.

In-vessel core debris retention and coollability workshop proceedings [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: Workshop on in-vessel core debris retention and coollability Garcching, near Munich, Germany 3-6 March 1998 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)18 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)18 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 1999Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 WOR 1999.

OECD workshop on ex-vessel debris coolability summary and recommendations held in Karlsruhe, Germany, on 15-18 November 1999

Yazar: Workshop on ex-vessel debris coolability Karlsruhe, Germany 15-18 November 1999 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(2000)14 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(2000)14 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2000Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 WOR 2000.

Human performance in operational events proceedings from specialists meeting organised in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency hosted by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, held in Chattanooga, Tennesee, USA from 13 to 17 October 1997

Yazar: Specialists meeting on human performance in operational events Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA 13-17 October 1997 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)16 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)16 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 1998Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 SPE 1998.

Third OECD specialist meeting on nuclear aerosols in reactor safety Proceedings of an OECD/CSNI Workshop, 15-18 June 1998 Cologne, Germany

Yazar: Specialist meeting on nuclear aerosolsin reactor safety Cologne, Germany 15-18 June 1998 3rd | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)4 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(98)4 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 2000Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 SPE 2000.

OECD/NEA/CSNI international Standard problem no.26 : ROSA- IV LSTF cold leg small-break LOCA experiment : comparison report, February 1992 [prep.] Y. Kukita... [et al.]

Yazar: Kukita, Y | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Energy Agency ; (91)13 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentCSNI/R ; (91)13 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 1992Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Genel Koleksiyon Yer numarası:621.483 OEC 1992.

Status report on regulatory inspection philosophy, inspection organisation and inspection practices prepared by the CNRA Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP)

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Working Group on Inspection Practices.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development ; GD(97)140 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 1997Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Genel Koleksiyon Yer numarası:621.483 STA 1997.

NEA/WANO international forum on nuclear regulator licensee interface issues preliminary programme, 18-19 June 2002

Yazar: 18-19 June 2002 | International forum on nuclear regulator/licensee interface uses Paris, France | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA [2002]Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 STA 1997.

Inspection of maintenance on safety systems during NPP operation [prep. by] Working Group on Inspection Practices (WGIP)

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Working Group on Inspection Practices.

Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 2001Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 INS 2001.

VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark: Phase 1 (V1000CT-1) vol.3: Summary results of exercise 2 on coupled 3-D kinetics/core thermal-hydraulics [prep.] Boyan Ivanov and Kostadin N. Ivanov

Yazar: Ivanov, Boyan | Ivanov, Kostadin N | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Science ; NEA/NSC/DOC(2007)18 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2007Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:539.7213 VVE 2007.

Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition in nuclear safety state-of-the art report by a group of experts

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(2000)7 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(2000)7 Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD 2000Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 FLA 2000.

Fourth CSNI Specialist Meeting on Fuel-Coolant Interaction in Nuclear Reactor Safety Bournemouth, United Kingdom 2-5 April 1979 hosted by the United kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Atomic Energy Establishment Winfrith proceedings edited by R. B. Tattersall

Yazar: CSNI Specialist Meeting on Fuel-Coolant Interaction in Nuclear Reactor Safety Bournemouth, United Kingdom 2-5 April 1979 4 th | Tattersall, R. B | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ; Atomic Energy Establishment Winfrith | The United kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 1979Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (3). Kütüphanede Nerede: Genel Koleksiyon Yer numarası:621.4835 CSN 1979.

VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark: Phase 2 (V1000CT-2) Summary results of exercise 1 on vessel mixing simulation [prep.] N.P. Kolev, I. Spasov and E. Royer

Yazar: Kolev, N.P | Royer, E | Spasov, I | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Science Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2010Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:539.7213 VVE 2010.

VVER-1000 coolant transient benchmark: Phase 2 (V1000CT-2) Summary results of exercise 2 on coupled 3-D kinetics/core-vessel thermal-hydraulics and exercise 3 on core-plant MSLB simulation [prep.] N.P. Kolev ... [et al.]

Yazar: Kolev, N.P | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Science Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2011Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:539.7213 VVE 2011.

Nuclear fuel behaviour in loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions state-of-the-art-report [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Safety Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2009Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 NUC 2009.

Nuclear fuel behaviour under reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) conditions state-of-the-art-report [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Safety Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2010Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 NUC 2010.

Experimental facilities for sodium fast reactor safety studies Task Group on Advanced Reactor Experimental Facilities (TAREF) [prep.] OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency ; Nuclear Safety Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA c 2011Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 EXP 2011.


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