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Aramanızda 202 sonuç bulundu.

Advanced reactors with innovative fuels : second workshop proceedings, Chester, United Kingdom, 22-24 October 2001 hosted by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL).

Yazar: Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels Chester, England 1999 2 nd | British Nuclear Fuels Limited | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear development | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.48335 WOR 2002.

Radionuclide retention in geologic media : workshop proceedings, Oskarshamn, Sweden, 7-9 May 2001 hosted by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company (SKB).

Yazar: Workshop on Radionuclide Retention in Geologic Media Oskarshamn, Sweden 2001 | NEA Project on Radionuclide Migration in Geologic, Heterogeneous Media | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDRadioactive waste management | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4838 WOR 2002.

Workshop on Advanced Nuclear Reactor Safety Issues and Research Needs : Paris, France, 18-20 February, 2002 co-sponsored by the International Atomic Energy Agency and organised in collaboration with the European Communities.

Yazar: Workshop on Advanced Nuclear Reactor Safety Issues and Research Needs Paris, France 2002 | European Commission | International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear Safety | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4835 WOR 2002.

Fission gas behaviour in water reactor fuels : seminar proceedings, Cadarache, France, 26-29 September 2000.

Yazar: Seminar on Fission Gas Behaviour in Water Reactor Fuels Cadarache, France 2000 | France | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Commissariat a l\'energie atomique | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Seri kaydı: OECDNuclear science | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris France OECD NEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.48335 SEM 2002.

The Use of thermodynamic databases in performance assessment : workshop proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 29-30 May 2000, hosted by ENRESA.

Yazar: Workshop on the Use of thermodynamic databases in performance assessment Barcelona, Spain 2000 | Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radioactivos (Spain) | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDData bank | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4838 WOR 2002.

Uranium 2001 : resources, production and demand a joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:669.2931 URA 2002.

Stepwise decision making in Finland for the disposal of spent nuclear fuel : workshop proceedings, Turku, Finland, 15-16 November 2001 hosted by Posiva Oy ... [et al.].

Yazar: Workshop on Stepwise Decision Making in Finland for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel Turku, Finland 2001 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDRadioactive waste management | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.7289094897 STE 2002.

The handling of timescales in assessing post-closure safety of deep geological repositories : workshop proceedings, Paris, France, 16-18 April 2002 hosted by the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN).

Yazar: Workshop on the handling of timescales in assessing post-closure safety of deep geological repositories Paris, France 2002 | Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucleaire | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDRadioactive waste management | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4838 WOR 2002 t.

Better integration of radiation protection in modern society : workshop proceedings, Villigen, Switzerland, 23-25 January 2001. [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDNEA | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentRadiation protection Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:539.7 BET 2002.

Quality standards : comparison between IAEA 50-C SG-Q and ISO 9001:2000

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety reports series ; no. 22. | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety reports series ; no. 22. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 QUA 2002.

Management of radioactive waste from the mining and milling of ores : safety guide.

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEA | IAEASafety standards series ; Safety guide | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety guide ; no. WS-G-1.2. | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. WS-G-1.2. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.7289 MAN 2002.

Planning and preparing for emergency response to transport accidents involving radioactive material : Safety guide

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety guide | IAEASafety guide ; TS-G-1.2 (ST-3). | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; TS-G-1.2 (ST-3). Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.1799 PLA 2002.

Preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency : safety requirements jointly sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ... [et al.].

Yazar: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEARequirements ; no. GS-R-2. | IAEASafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencyRequirements | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. GS-R-2. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.1799 PRE 2002.

Regulatory inspection of nuclear facilities and enforcement by the regulatory body : safety guide IAEA

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEA | IAEASafety guide ; no. GS-G-1.3. | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. GS-G-1.3. | Safety guide Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.179 REG 2002.

Evaluation of seismic hazards for nuclear power plants : safety guide

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety guide ; no. NS-G-3.3. | IAEASafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety guide | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. NS-G-3.3. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 EVA 2002.

Recruitment, qualification and training of personnel for nuclear power plants : Safety guide

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety guide ; no. NS-G-2.8. | IAEASafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety guide | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. NS-G-2.8. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 REC 2002.

Radiation protection and radioactive waste management in the operation of nuclear power plants : safety guide.

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety guide ; no. NS-G-2.7. | IAEASafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety guide | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. NS-G-2.7. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 RAD 2002.

Core management and fuel handling for nuclear power plants : safety guide

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEASafety guide | IAEASafety guide ; no. NS-G-2.5. | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. NS-G-2.5. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.483 COR 2002.

Advisory materials for the IAEA regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: IAEA | IAEASafety guide ; no. TS-G-1.1 (ST-2). | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety guide | International Atomic Energy AgencySafety standards series ; no. TS-G-1.1 (ST-2). | Safety standards series Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.1799 ADV 2002.

Developing an economic performance system to enhance nuclear power plant competitiveness.

Yazar: International Atomic Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Technical reports series ; no. 406. Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Vienna IAEA c 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Raporlar Yer numarası:621.483 DEV 2002.


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