Aramanızda 5 sonuç bulundu.

Evolution of the system of radiological protection : second Asian Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 28-29 July 2004 / Co-organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

Yazar: Asian Regional Conference on the Evolution of the System of Radiological Protection Tokyo, Japan 2004 2nd | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Radiological protection Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c2005Çevrimiçi erişim: Table of contents Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.179972 EVO 2005.

GEOTRAP : radionuclide migration in geologic, heterogeneous media, summary of accomplishments

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: OECDRadioactive Waste Management | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA 2002Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4838 GEO 2002.

Safety of geological disposal of high-level and long-lived radioactive waste in France an international peer review of the [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c 2006Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.7289 SAF 2006.

Geological repositories: political and technical progress : workshop proceedings, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-10 December 2003. [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [and] hosted by Svensk Kaernbraenslehantering AB (SKB).

Yazar: Workshop geological repositories Stockholm, Sweden 2003 2nd | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Svensk Kaernbraenslehantering AB (SKB).

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentNuclear Energy Agency Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c2005Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (3). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:621.4838 WOR 2005 g.

Partnering for long-term management of radioactive waste evolution and current practice in thirteen countries [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Yazar: OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Seri kaydı: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentRadioactive waste management Dil:İngilizce Yayın Ayrıntıları: Paris OECD NEA c2010Kullanılabilirlik: Ödünç verilebilen materyaller: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2). Kütüphanede Nerede: Seriler Yer numarası:363.7289 PAR 2010.


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