Your search returned 15 results.

Nuclear data for science and technology proceedings of an international conference held at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Fed. Rep. of Germany, 13-17 May 1991 S.M. Qaim, ed.

by Qaim, S. M. (Syed M.), 1941- | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: Springer-Verlag. Research reports in physicsMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Berlin Springer-Verlag c1992Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539 NUC 1992.

Proceedings of an International Conference on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for Reactors and Other Applied Purposes = Compte rendu d'une Conference internationale sur la physique neutronique et les donnees nucleaires pour les reacteurs et autres applications, Harwell, United Kingdom, September, 1978 organised jointly by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, with the co-operation of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and with the support of the Commission of the European Communities, Joint Research Centre, Central Bureau for Nuclear Measurements.

by International Conference on Neutron Physics and Nuclear Data for Reactors and Other Applied Purposes Harwell, Berkshire 1978 | International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | United Kingdom Energy Authority.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 1978Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7213 INT 1978, ...

Trends in nuclear research institutes [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency,

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 1996Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 TRE 1996, ...

Electronique nucleaire compte rendu du colloque international : Paris, 25 au 27 novembre 1963 = nuclear electronics proceedings of the International Symposium : Paris, 25 au 27 novembre 1963 organise par la Societe française des electroniciens et des radioelectriciens, S.F.E.R. = Nuclear electronics : proceedings of the international symposium / organized by la Societe française des electroniciens et des radioelectriciens, S.F.E.R.

by Symposium on Nuclear Electronics Paris 25-27 November 1963 | OECD European Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Societe française des electroniciens et des radioelectriciens. European Nuclear Energy Agency | Colloque international sur l'electronique nucleaire Paris, France) 1963 : (3 rd.

Material type: Text Text Language: engfre Publication details: [Paris] OECD ENEA 1964Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 SYM 1964, ...

Separate effects test matrix for thermal-hydraulic code validation [prep.] OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. General Distribution ; (94) 82 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; (94) 82Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1994Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (4)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 550 SEP 1994, ...

Reactor physics activities in NEA member countries October 1980 - September 1981 NEA committee on Reactor Physics.

by Meeting of the NEA Committee on Reactor Physics Winfrith Laboratory of the UKAEA 14-18 September 1981 24 th | Comite de l'AEN de la physique des reacteurs. Nuclear Energy Agency | NEA Committee for Reactor Physics | NEA Committee on Reactor Physics. Committee on Reactor Physics | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA [1981?]Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 MEE 1981.

Reactor physics activities in NEA member countries : October 1983 - September 1984 NEA committee on Reactor Physics.

by Meeting of the NEA Committee on Reactor Physics France 14-18 September 1981 27 th | Comite de l'AEN de la physique des reacteurs. Committee on Reactor Physics | NEA Committee for Reactor Physics | NEA Committee on Reactor Physics. Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD Nuclear Energy Agengy [1984?]Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 MEE 1984.

Reactor physics activities in NEA member countries : October 1984 - September 1985 NEA committee on Reactor Physics.

by Meeting of the NEA Committee on Reactor Physics Madrid, Spain 14-18 September 1981 28 th | Comite de l'AEN de la physique des reacteurs. Committee on Reactor Physics | NEA Committee for Reactor Physics | NEA Committee on Reactor Physics. Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA [1985?]Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 MEE 1985.

Reactor physics activities in OECD member countries : October 1978 - September 1979 NEA committee on Reactor Physics.

by Meeting of the NEA Committee on Reactor Physics Paris 14-18 September 1981 22 nd | Comite de l'AEN de la physique des reacteurs. Committee on Reactor Physics | NEA Committee for Reactor Physics | NEA Committee on Reactor Physics. Nuclear Energy Agency | NEACRP | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA [1979?]Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 539.7 MEE 1979.

Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Data Committee summary record of the eighteenth meeting Compiled by M.G Sowerby, J. Royen

by Meeting on the Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Data Committee Harwell, United Kingdom 7 th-11 th March 1975 (18.) | Royen, J | Sowerby, M.G | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Comittee on the Safety of Nuclear İnstallations Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Data Committee ; 103 "A" | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; 103 "A"Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1975Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 333.7924 MEE 1975.

Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics summary record of the seventeenth meeting (technical sessions) Compiled by Eric Hellstrand

by Meeting on the Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics Cadarache, France 1st-5 th october 1979 (17.) | Hellstrand, Eric | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Reactor Physics Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Committee on Reactor Physics ; L 119 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; L 119Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1974Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4831 MEE 1974.

Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics summary record of the twenty-second meeting (technical sessions) Compiled by P. Silvennoinen

by Meeting on the Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics Paris 1st-5 th october 1979 (22.) | Silvennoinen, P | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Reactor Physics Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Committee on Reactor Physics ; L 242 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; L 242Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1979Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4831 MEE 1979.

Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics summary record of the seventeenth meeting Compiled by Eric Hellstrand

by Meeting on the Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics Cadarache, France 1st-5 th october 1979 (17.) | Hellstrand, Eric | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Reactor Physics Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. NEA ; A 234Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1974Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4831 MEE 1974.

Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics summary record of the twenty-second meeting Compiled by P. Silvennoinen

by Meeting on the Nuclear Energy Agency Committee on Reactor Physics Paris 1st-5 th october 1979 (22.) | Silvennoinen, P | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Reactor Physics Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. NEA ; A 397Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 1979Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4831 MEE 1979 n.


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