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Proceedings of the 2nd CSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analysers : Espoo, Finland, 29 September - 2 October, 1997 Edited by Olli Tiihonen, organized by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

by CSNI Specialist Meeting on Simulators and Plant Analysers Espoo, Finland 29 September - 2 October, 1997 2nd | Tiihonen, Olli | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: Technical Research Centre of Finland. VVT symposium ; 194Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Finland Technical Research Centre of Finland 1999Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4833 SPE 1999.

Proceedings of the workshop on Borehole and shaft plugging, Columbus, 7th-9th May 1980 = Compte rendu d'une reunion de travail sur le colmatage des forages et des puits, Columbus, 7-9 mai 1980 jointly organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the United States Department of Energy

by Workshop on Borehole and shaft plugging Columbus 1980.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Columbus OECD 1980Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4838 WOR 1980.

Gas-cooled reactors with emphasis on advanced systems proceedings of a symposium on gas-cooled reactors with emphasis on advanced systems jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Jülich, 13-17 Oct. 1975

by Symposium on Gas-Cooled Reactors with Emphasis on Advanced Systems Jülich 1975.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1976Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4834 SYM 1976, ...

Maritime carriage of nuclear materials proceedings of a Symposium on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Materials jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency with the collaboration of FORATOM and held in Stockholm, 18-22 June 1972

by Symposium on Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Materials Stockholm 1972.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1973Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 387.544 SYM 1973.

Handling of radiation accidents 1977 proceedings of a symposium on the handling of radiation accidents jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 28 February-4 March 1977

by Symposium on the Handling of Radiation Accidents Vienna 1977.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1977Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 363.1799 SYM 1977.

Exploration for uranium ore deposits proceedings of a symposium on exploration of uranium ore deposits organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 29 March-2 April 1976

by Symposium on Exploration of Uranium Ore Deposits Vienna 1976.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1976Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 622.18493 SYM 1976.

Environmental behaviour of radionuclides released in the nuclear industry proceedings of a symposium organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the World Health Organization and held in Aix-en-Provence, 14-18 May 1973

by Symposium on Environmental behaviour of radionuclides released in the nuclear industry Aix-En-Provence 1973.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1973Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 363.6 SYM 1973.

Management of radioactive wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle proceedings of a symposium on the management of radioactive wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 22-26 March 1976

by Symposium on the management of radioactive wastes from the nuclear fuel cycle Vienna 1976.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Spanish, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1976Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4838 SYM 1976, ...

Fast reactor physics 1979 proceedings of an international symposium on fast reactor physics jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, and held in Aix-en-Provence 24-28 September 1979

by International Symposium on Fast Reactor Physics Aix-en-Provence 1979.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1980Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4831 INT 1980.

Uranium exploration case histories proceedings of an advisory group meeting on case histories of uranium exploration jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 26-29 November 1979

by Advisory Group Meeting on Case Histories of Uranium Exploration Vienna 1979.

Series: IAEA Panel proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1981Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 622.184932 ADV 1981.

Impacts of radionuclide releases into the marine environment proceedings of an International Symposium on the Impacts of Radionuclide Releases into the Marine Environment jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna 6-10 October 1980

by International Symposium on the Impacts of Radionuclide Releases into the Marine Environment Vienna 1980.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1981Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 363.7394 INT 1981.

Conditioning of radioactive wastes for storage and disposal proceedings of an international symposium on the conditioning of radioactive wastes for storage and disposal organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Commission of the European Communities, and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, and held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, 21-25 June 1982

by International Symposium on the Conditioning of Radioactive Wastes for Storage and Disposal Utrecht, Netherlands 1982.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1983Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4838 INT 1983.

Behaviour of tritium in the environment proceedings of the international symposium on the behaviour of tritium in the environment jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in San Francisco, 16-20 October 1978

by International Symposium on the Behaviour of Tritium in the Environment San Francisco 1978.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1979Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 574.52 INT 1979.

Decommissioning of nuclear facilities proceedings of an international symposium on the decommissioning of nuclear facilities jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 13-17 November 1978

by International Symposium on the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Vienna 1978.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Spanish Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1979Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 INT 1979.

Combined effects of radioactive, chemical and thermal releases to the environment proceedings of a symposium on the combined effects on the environment of radioactive, chemical and thermal releases from the nuclear industry jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, and held in Stockholm, 2-5 June 1975

by Symposium on the Combined Effects on the Environment of Radioctive, Chemical and Thermal Releases from the Nuclear Industry Stockholm 1975.

Series: IAEA Panel proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1975Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 574.5222 SYM 1975.

Pellet-clad interaction in water reactor fuels seminar proceedings Aix-en-Provence, France 9-11 March 2004 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency

by Seminar on Pellet-Clad Interaction in Water Reactor Fuels France 2004 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Science OECD NEA ; no. 6004Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2005Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.48335 SEM 2005.

Proceedings of the symposium on the on-site management of power reactor wastes, Zurich, 26th-30th March 1979 = Compte rendu du colloque sur la gestion des dechets en provenance des reacteurs de puissance sur le site de la centrale, Zurich, 26-30 mars 1979 organised jointly by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the Swiss Office for Science and Research

by Symposium on the On-Site Management of Power Reactor Wastes Zürich, Switzerland 1979 | International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Swiss Office for Science and Research.

Material type: Text Text Language: English, French Publication details: Paris Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 1979Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4838 SYM 1979.

Proceedings second technical meeting on the nuclear transmutation of actinides, Ispra, Italy, April 21-24, 1980 = Compte rendu, deuxieme reunion technique sur la transmutation nucleaire des actinides, Ispra, Italie, 21-24 Avril, 1980 editor W. Hage ; meeting sponsored by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and organized by the Commission of the European Communities

by Technical Meeting on the Nuclear Transmutation of Actinides Ispra, Italy 1980 2nd | Hage, W | Commission of the European Communities | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: Commission of the European Communities ; EUR 6929 EN/FRMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Brussels Commission of the European Communities 1980Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4838 TEC 1980.

Vingtieme anniversiare de l'agence de l'OCDE pour l'energie nucleaire symposium sur la cooperation internationale dans le domaine nucleaire : bilan et perspectives, Paris, fevrier 1978 OECD Nuclear Energy Agency

by Symposium sur la Cooperation internationale Dans le Domaine Nucleaire, Bilan et Perspectives Paris 1978 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Material type: Text Text Language: French Publication details: Paris Agence Pour L'Energie Nuclearie Organisation De Cooperiation et De Developpement Economiques 1978Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.48 SYM 1978.

Proceedings of the Workshop on Radionuclide Release Scenarios for Geologic Repositories, Paris, 8th-12th September 1980 = Compte rendu d'une reunion de travail sur les scenarios de liberation des radionucleides a partir de depots situes dans des formations geologiques, Paris, 8-12 septembre 1980 Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developmen

by Workshop on Radionuclide Release Scenarios for Geologic Repositories Paris, France 1980 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Material type: Text Text Language: French Publication details: Paris Nuclear Energy Agency Organsnisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development 1981Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.4838 WOR 1981.


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