Your search returned 36 results.

Nuclear fuel safety criteria technical review Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear safety OECD NEAMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.48335 NUC 2001.

Evaluation of speciation technology workshop proceedings Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan 26-28 October 1999 [haz.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

by Workshop on Evaluation of Speciation Technology Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan 1999.

Series: OECD Nuclear scienceMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 541.3884 WOR 2001.

Nuclear production of hydrogen first information exchange meeting, Paris, France, 2-3 October, 2000

by Information Exchange Meeting on Nuclear Production of Hydrogen Paris, France 2000 1.

Series: OECD Nuclear scienceMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 553.92 INF 2001, ...

Utilisation and reliability of high power proton accelerators workshop proceedings, Aix-en-Provence, France, 22-24 November 1999 organised by the Nuclear Science Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA)

by Workshop on Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators Aix-en-Provence, France 1999 2.

Series: OECD Nuclear science | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear scienceMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 539.737 WOR 2001, ...

Using thermodynamic sorption models for guiding radioelement distribution coefficient (Kd) investigations a status report Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Radioactive waste management OECD NEAMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 628.1685 USI 2001.

Management of depleted uranium a joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear development OECD NEAMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 669.2931 MAN 2001.

Assuring future nuclear safety competencies specific actions Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear regulation OECD NEAMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 ASS 2001.

Nuclear safety research in OECD countries summary report of major facilities and programmes at risk Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Nuclear Energy Agency. Nulear safety OECD NEAMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD 2001Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.483507204 NUC 2001.

Nuclear energy data 2001 = Donnees sur l\'energie nucleaire 2001 [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

by Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Series: OECD. Nuclear development. | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: engfre Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 333.7924 NUC 2001.

Nuclear fuel safety criteria : technical review.

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear safetyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.48335 NUC 2001, ...

Experience from international nuclear emergency exercises The INEX 2 series.

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Radiation protection | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 363.1799 EXP 2001.

Scenario development methods and practice : an evaluation based on the NEA Workshop on Scenario Development, Madrid, May 1999.

by NEA Workshop on Scenario Development Madrid, Spain 1999 | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. NEA | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4838 NEA 2001, ...

Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the task force on shielding aspects of accelerators, targets and irradiation facilities : Paris, France, 18-21 July 2000 jointly organised by OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency ... [et al.].

by Task Force on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities Paris, France 2000 5th | Institut de physique nucléaire (Orsay, France) Nuclear Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Shielding Working Group | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency | Radiation Safety Information Computational Centre | Reactor Physics Committee of Japan.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Science | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 539.730289 TAS 2001, ...

Management of depleted uranium : a joint report by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

by International Atomic Energy Agency | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear development | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 669.2931 MAN 2001, ...

Second international nuclear emergency exercise INEX 2 ; final report of the Canadian regional exercise = Deuxiáeme exercice international d'urgence INEX 2 ; rapport final sur l'exercice râegional canadien Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Energ Agency | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Radiation ProtectionMaterial type: Text Text Language: engfre Publication details: Paris OECD NEA c 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 SEC 2001, ...

Collective statement on major nuclear safety research facilities and programme at risk: joint OECD projects and centres of excellence = Declaration collective sur les installations et programmes de recherche en surete nucleaire menaces d'arret. Projets communs de l'OCDE et centres d'excellence.

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear safety | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: engfre Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 COL 2001.

Nuclear regulatory challenges arising from competition in electricity markets = La reglementation de l'energie nucleaire face a la concurrence sur les marches de l'electricite.

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Regulation | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 343.0925 NUC 2001, ...

Reversibility and retrievability in geologic disposal of radioactive waste reflections at the international level

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Radioactive Waste Management | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy AgencyMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4838 REV 2001.

Boiling water reactor turbine trip (TT) benchmark by Jorge Solis, Kostadin N. Ivanov, and Baris Sarikaya.

by Ivanov, Kostadin N | Sarikaya, Bariş | Solis, Jorge Baris Sarikaya | NEA Nuclear Science Committee. NEA Comittee on Safety of Nuclear Installations | OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. NEA ; NSC/DOC(2001)1 | OECD. Nuclear Science | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; NSC/DOC(2001)1Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris France OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4834 BOI 2001.

Technical report on the fatigue crack groeth benchmark based on CEA pipe bending tests [prep.] Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency

by OECD Nuclear Energy Agency. Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Nuclear Energy Agency.

Series: OECD. Nuclear Safety ; NEA/CSNI/R(2001)14 | Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Nuclear Energy Agency ; NEA/CSNI/R(2001)14Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris France OECD NEA 2001Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.483 TEC 2001.


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