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Low-level radioactive waste programme Turkey report to the government of Turkey [prep.] D. E. Saire

by International Atomic Energy Agency | Saire, D. E.

Series: International Atomic Energy Agency ; TA-2277Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: TENMAK Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 621.4838 LOW 1984.

Mathematical models of environment Jagat Narain Kapur

by Kapur, Jagat Narain.

Series: Indian National Science Academy Perspective Report series ; 9Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Indian National Science Academy 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 628 KAP 1984.

Advances in dosimetry for fast neutrons and heavy charged particles for therapy applications proceedings of an advisory group meeting on advances in dosimetry for fast neutrons and heavy charged particles for therapy applications organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 14-18 June 1982

by Advisory Group Meeting on Advances in Dosimetry for Fast Neutrons and Heavy Charged Particles for Therapy Applications Vienna 1982.

Series: IAEA Panel proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 616.994 ADV 1984.

Nuclear power status and trends 1984

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 333.7924 NUC 1984.

Nuclear power plant outage experience proceedings of an international symposium on nuclear power plant outage experience organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and held in Karlsruhe, 18-21 June 1984

by International Symposium on Nuclear Power Plant Outage Experience Karlsruhe, Germany 1984.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 INT 1984.

Operational safety of nuclear power plants proceedings of an international symposium on operational safety of nuclear power plants organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Marseilles, 2-6 May 1983

by International Symposium on Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants Marseille 1983.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Spanish, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.4835 INT 1984, ...

Isotope Hydrology 1983 proceedings of an international symposium on isotope hydrology in water resources development organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and held in Vienna, 12-16 September 1983

by International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology in Water Resources Development Vienna 1983.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 551.48 INT 1984.

Radioactive waste management proceedings of an international conference on radioactive waste management held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Seattle, 16-20 May 1983

by International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management Seattle 1983.

Series: IAEA Proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Spanish, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (5)Collection code, call number: Seriler 363.7289 INT 1984, ...

Nuclear heat application proceedings of a technical committee meeting and workshop on nuclear heat application organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Cracow, 5-9 December 1983

by Technical Committee Meeting and Workshop on Nuclear Heat Application Cracow 1983.

Series: IAEA Panel proceedings seriesMaterial type: Text Text Language: English, French, Russian Publication details: Vienna IAEA 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Seriler 621.483 TEC 1984.

Gamma-ray absorptiometer for determination of heavy metal in aqueous and organic solvent solution A. Tuğsavul, B. Kopuz, K. Cimcim, Ş. Can, H. Tel, Ö. Çiftçioğlu

Series: ÇNAEM Araştırma Raporları ; 231Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 537.5352 GAM 1984, ...

İyon rezonans sondası ile plazma yoğunluğunun ölçümü Adnan Baykal, Zeynel Sezer, Ergun Gültekin

by Baykal, Adnan.

Series: ÇNAEM Araştırma Raporları ; no. 229Material type: Text Text Language: Turkish Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 530.44 BAY 1984, ...

Araştırma reaktörlerinin geri beslemeli nokta kinetik analizi üzerine bir çalışma H. İbrahim Arıkan, Ulvi Adalıoğlu

by Arıkan, H. İbrahim | Adalıoğlu, Ulvi.

Series: ÇNAEM Teknik Raporlar ; no. 18Material type: Text Text Language: Turkish Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 621.4835 ARI 1984, ...

Ağır sulu reaktörler Kısım I - dizayn, güvenlik, işletme tecrübesi ve yakıttan faydalanma Ulvi Adalıoğlu, B. Gül Göktepe

by Adalıoğlu, Ulvi | Göktepe, B. Gül.

Series: ÇNAEM Teknik Raporlar ; no. 16Material type: Text Text Language: Turkish Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 621.4834 ADA 1984, ...

TGA ve DTA verileriyle kinetik parametrelerinin tayini dataların koro kodu ile bilgisayarda değerlendirilmesi Ahmet Yaylı, M. Timuçin Aybers, Ayşe Aytekin

by Yaylı, Ahmet | Aybers, M. Timuçin | Aytekin, Ayşe.

Series: ÇNAEM Teknik Raporlar ; no. 21Material type: Text Text Language: Turkish Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 621.48335 YAY 1984, ...

ANISN kodunun kullanımı ve TR-2'nin beş gruplu makroskopik tesir kesitlerinin hesabı Süleyman Güngör

by Güngör, Süleyman.

Series: ÇNAEM Teknik Raporlar ; no. 22Material type: Text Text Language: Turkish Publication details: İstanbul ÇNAEM 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (2)Collection code, call number: Raporlar 621.4831 GÜN 1984, ...

Proceedings of a specialists' meeting on in core instrumentation and reactor assessment = Compte rendu d'une reunion de specialistes sur instrumentation et evaluation de l'etat du cur des reacteurs nucleaires Fredrikstad, Norway, 10th-13th October 1983 Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

by Specialists' Meeting on In Core Instrumentation and Reactor Assessment Fredrikstad, Norway 1983 | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Paris OECD 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 621.483 SPE 1984.

Liquid crystals S. Chandrasekhar

by Chandrasekhar, S.

Series: Perspective Report Series ; 2Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: New Delhi Indian National Science Academy 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 530.429 CHA 1984.

Proceedings of the solid state physics symposium 1984 organized by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India

by Solid State Physics Symposium 1984.

Material type: Text Text Language: English Publication details: Bombay Department of Atomic Energy Government of India 1984Availability: Items available for loan: NÜKEN İstanbul Kütüphanesi (1)Collection code, call number: Genel Koleksiyon 530.41 SOL 1984.


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